Made a pit stop in Antwerp to say hello to old collegues and to visit some of the sites which I had never taken the time to see the few times in the past when I had travelled on business to Antwerp. What a beautiful city, and the mega-rennovation of the Central station is now complete and a beautiful success. It was a real thrill to visit the office and see the Antwerp team again. We enjoyed a great lunch with Etienne, Eddy and Anja, after which we started on the 1.5 hour historical walking tour of the old city. We made it about half-way when, by pure coincidence we met Valerie on her bicycle. Michele had wanted to take a closer look at a small stone quasi-bridge near the Steen chateau on the bank of the Schelde, and while we were on top of it, Valerie rolled up on her bicycle on her way to have a look at the river. It's a small world. Per Valerie's request, I have added a photo for Paul's benefit as evidence of the single spire next to the catherdral (which as a side note according to Etienne is not officially part of the cathedral). Before heading back to the hotel, we followed Etienne's suggestion by visiting "The Eleventh Commandment" pub where they serve a delicious Bollika. We ended our day with a wonderful dinner with John and Sylvia at the Pump House.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Made a pit stop in Antwerp to say hello to old collegues and to visit some of the sites which I had never taken the time to see the few times in the past when I had travelled on business to Antwerp. What a beautiful city, and the mega-rennovation of the Central station is now complete and a beautiful success. It was a real thrill to visit the office and see the Antwerp team again. We enjoyed a great lunch with Etienne, Eddy and Anja, after which we started on the 1.5 hour historical walking tour of the old city. We made it about half-way when, by pure coincidence we met Valerie on her bicycle. Michele had wanted to take a closer look at a small stone quasi-bridge near the Steen chateau on the bank of the Schelde, and while we were on top of it, Valerie rolled up on her bicycle on her way to have a look at the river. It's a small world. Per Valerie's request, I have added a photo for Paul's benefit as evidence of the single spire next to the catherdral (which as a side note according to Etienne is not officially part of the cathedral). Before heading back to the hotel, we followed Etienne's suggestion by visiting "The Eleventh Commandment" pub where they serve a delicious Bollika. We ended our day with a wonderful dinner with John and Sylvia at the Pump House.
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